Music Therapy Benefits on diseases - do they really work? Keep reading to find out.
Early in the morning, with the lingerings of KO Koo and the squeals of the squirrels with a lovely music from a neighboring home waving down to your ears with the cool breeze......You get up. Everything is excellently fine. You get ready and get into the company cab. The driver loves a certain kind of melancholy pattern of music. So he plays a dead sad song. Gone... What would you do. What would happen to your happy mood? Exactly this happened to me. Could not help. The song was such a melancholy one and I had to resist my self from shedding tears.
In India there is a kind of music known as Classical Music. Each pattern of music is given each name. Kalyani is the name given for a specific pattern of rhythm(Raga) of music for happiness. Keep in mind to have a collection of songs in this raga and play once a while. You would experience joy filling your heart and the place around you. Music Therapy Benefits are enormous in relieving the stress of the depressed.
A research shows that even animals love music. When a certain pattern of music is played, cows secrete extra milk. No kidding. Its a fact. Even an animal is moved by music.
In some countries, they use a frequency of sound to kill mosquitoes. You must have heard about music contests, conducted for dogs.
Many of us know that the sound frequency of human ears is 90 Decibel. Increasing the sound frequency would kill a human. Let us analyze this. When 'a' is equal to 'b', naturally 'b' is equal to 'a'. Likewise, when a certain sound frequency level can kill a human, why not a certain frequency heal a human - is my question?
Let us stop analyzing from my view point and come to what researches say on this topic. A certain pattern of sound(music) calms the mind, reducing high blood pressure. A depressed mind is set free by a soothing music, as music relieves the stress pockets. You must understand that stress is the major factor for many diseases. Do remember that one of the major factors of heart attack is STRESS. Patients with Alzheimer and stroke experience great Music Therapy benefits.
You should be cautious about bad music too. What is a bad music ? Any music that has a negative impact on one's health and mind, is a bad music. A good music takes STRESS away, where as a bad music does the reverse order. We should be aware that a heart patient should not be exposed to rough beat music. Some sort of music brings a kind of aggressiveness to the one who listens.
Some might be interested to get a Song book online to play the tune with your instrument at home. You may find inside.....THE GREAT AMERICAN CAMPFIRE SONG BOOK
To learn music online click the following links - for learning.....DRUMS, GUITAR AND BASS GUITAR; and for learning .....PIANO & VIOLIN
Want a certain pattern of music that calms the brain and relieves the stress in you? Find here......BRAIN MUSIC SECRETS
Tip of the day:
Singing songs and composing music also relieves stress. If you might be interested, go a head and buy a favorite instrument of yours and start playing. Take the stress out and live your life.
Peace, Health and Happiness to you!!
Early in the morning, with the lingerings of KO Koo and the squeals of the squirrels with a lovely music from a neighboring home waving down to your ears with the cool breeze......You get up. Everything is excellently fine. You get ready and get into the company cab. The driver loves a certain kind of melancholy pattern of music. So he plays a dead sad song. Gone... What would you do. What would happen to your happy mood? Exactly this happened to me. Could not help. The song was such a melancholy one and I had to resist my self from shedding tears.
In India there is a kind of music known as Classical Music. Each pattern of music is given each name. Kalyani is the name given for a specific pattern of rhythm(Raga) of music for happiness. Keep in mind to have a collection of songs in this raga and play once a while. You would experience joy filling your heart and the place around you. Music Therapy Benefits are enormous in relieving the stress of the depressed.
A research shows that even animals love music. When a certain pattern of music is played, cows secrete extra milk. No kidding. Its a fact. Even an animal is moved by music.
In some countries, they use a frequency of sound to kill mosquitoes. You must have heard about music contests, conducted for dogs.
Many of us know that the sound frequency of human ears is 90 Decibel. Increasing the sound frequency would kill a human. Let us analyze this. When 'a' is equal to 'b', naturally 'b' is equal to 'a'. Likewise, when a certain sound frequency level can kill a human, why not a certain frequency heal a human - is my question?
Let us stop analyzing from my view point and come to what researches say on this topic. A certain pattern of sound(music) calms the mind, reducing high blood pressure. A depressed mind is set free by a soothing music, as music relieves the stress pockets. You must understand that stress is the major factor for many diseases. Do remember that one of the major factors of heart attack is STRESS. Patients with Alzheimer and stroke experience great Music Therapy benefits.
You should be cautious about bad music too. What is a bad music ? Any music that has a negative impact on one's health and mind, is a bad music. A good music takes STRESS away, where as a bad music does the reverse order. We should be aware that a heart patient should not be exposed to rough beat music. Some sort of music brings a kind of aggressiveness to the one who listens.
Some might be interested to get a Song book online to play the tune with your instrument at home. You may find inside.....THE GREAT AMERICAN CAMPFIRE SONG BOOK
To learn music online click the following links - for learning.....DRUMS, GUITAR AND BASS GUITAR; and for learning .....PIANO & VIOLIN
Want a certain pattern of music that calms the brain and relieves the stress in you? Find here......BRAIN MUSIC SECRETS
Tip of the day:
Singing songs and composing music also relieves stress. If you might be interested, go a head and buy a favorite instrument of yours and start playing. Take the stress out and live your life.
Peace, Health and Happiness to you!!